Vault stakeholders registered for Veeva Connect can use the Help & Support page to access the details of their Veeva Vault application family’s object data model, directly from any Vault within the family.

Data Model File Content

The data model file is a single, multiple-tab Excel (XLSX) file containing data model information for that Vault’s entire application family for the indicated General Release, regardless of the individual applications enabled in that Vault. For example, the file available in a Submissions and Submissions Archive RIM Vault includes data model information for these applications, as well as the other RIM applications (Registrations, Publishing).

Data Model

The Veeva-delivered objects and object types for the indicated release are detailed across several tabs within the sheet. These tabs can include:

  • Filterable lists of platform standard objects and object types relevant for the application family, for example the Integration (integration__sys) and Integration Point (integration_point__sys) objects used in Vault Connections.
  • Filterable lists of application-specific standard objects and object types, for example the Quality Audit object (audit__qdm) and its External Audit (external_audit__qdm), Inspection (inspection__v), and Internal Audit (internal_audit__qdm) object types.
  • Diagrams illustrating application object relationships, for example the RIM Regulatory Objective object’s (regulatory_objective__rim) relationships with various other RIM objects, including Activity (activity__rim), Application (application__v), and Registration (registration__rim).

Data Model Changes

With every release, we update the data model to better support evolving needs and new feature functionality. Your application’s data model file includes a tab with an inventory of these changes. For information on specific feature functionality, see Vault Release Notes.

Accessing the Data Model File

To access the file, choose Help from the menu in the upper right corner of any Vault page and click Data Model Documentation under Help Documentation.

This hyperlink routes you to a Veeva Connect post within your application family’s community, under the Releases tab. If you are not already a member of Veeva Connect, you can register using your company email address.