Manage your cash flow and cost drivers in Vault Payments by defining your planned budget amounts to match external models, then combine them with Payable Items to track spending across Studies, Study Countries, and Study Sites.

Object Page Layouts

Configure the following object page layout updates:

  • Add a Budget related object section to the Study, Study Country, and Study Site object page layouts.
  • Add the Budget Category field to the Fee Template, Fee, and Payable Item object page layouts.

Object User Actions

  • Assign the following user actions to the Budget object:
    • Create Budget Items
    • Create Country Budget Records
    • Create Site Budget Records
  • Assign the following user actions to the Study object:
    • Create Country Budget Records
    • Create Site Budget Records

Assign the Create Site Budget Records user action to the Study Country object.

Lifecycle User Actions

  • Configure the following user actions on the appropriate states of the Budget Lifecycle:
    • Create Budget Items
    • Create Country Budget Records
    • Create Site Budget Records
  • Configure the following user actions on the appropriate states of the Study Lifecycle:
    • Create Country Budget Records
    • Create Site Budget Records
  • Configure the Create Site Budget Records user actions on the appropriate states of the Study Country Lifecycle.

Defining Budget Categories

You must first define Budget Categories before users can track Budget Categories in study budgets in your Vault. To do this, navigate to Admin > Business Admin > Budget Categories to Create Budget Category records for your Vault that you can track for all studies. After creating global Budget Categories in your Vault, users can track the category on Fee and Payable Item records.

You can complete all steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:


Permission Label


Security Profile

Admin: Objects: Edit

Ability to edit object details and page layouts.

Security Profile

Admin: Object Lifecycles: Edit

Ability to configure object lifecycles.

Security Profile

Admin: Object Workflows: Edit

Ability to configure object workflows.

Security Profile

Objects: Budget Categories: Create, Edit

Ability to create and edit Budget Category records.