The TMF Viewer allows you to manage a TMF by browsing dynamically organized content and switching between multiple configured hierarchies.

Admins in your Vault use binder templates to represent each hierarchical structure, for example, TMF Reference Model 2.0, 3.0, and your organization’s own custom structure. As document types and reference model standards evolve over time, your Admins can create or update binder templates and make them immediately available for you to organize and browse TMF content. Note that you cannot use certain binder templates in TMF Viewer.

When you open the TMF Viewer, you aren’t actually filing documents into binders. The viewer shows what the documents in your Vault would look like if they were auto-filed into the selected binder template, with the selected binder values.

How to Use the Dynamic Binder View

To see documents in the TMF viewer:

  1. Open the TMF Viewer tab.
  2. Select a Binder Template to define the structure for organizing documents.
  3. Set values for the fields that appear in the left sidebar. Which fields are available depends on the filing model for the selected binder template.

Note that when the Study, Study Country, and Site fields are available, you can select records in the Active or Archived states.

Sorting Documents

The TMF viewer includes a Sort by drop-down menu. By default, Vault sorts by Creation Date (Oldest First), meaning the oldest document shows at the top of the document list. Choose other options from the Sort by drop-down to change the sort order, such as Document Name or Document Date.

Note: When ordering by Document Date, documents with a blank Document Date field (document_date__v) appear at the bottom of the list. This may vary depending on your Vault’s Document Date field configuration. If no value exists in the Document Date field, Vault sorts by the document’s Created Date instead.

How to View Section Filing Rules

Choose View Filing Rules from the action menu on any section or subsection to see what filing rules are applied.

How to View Expected Documents in a Section

Hover over a section name to see information about the expected document items associated with the section.

Your security profile must grant permission to the TMF Viewer tab. You can only see documents on which you have View Document permission.

Your security profile should also include Read permission on the Artifact and Document Type Details objects.