The Milestone Workspace allows you to see a summary of a milestone’s expected documents and related documents. This ensures that Study team members have a unified, user-friendly view that allows them to launch multi-document workflow and bulk object record workflows for expected documents all from one place. Additionally, the workspace offers a more efficient way to organize, plan, and execute document actions and expected document reviews within the context of their specific Study Milestones.

You can access the Milestone workspace from the Document Planning and Management section of the Milestone page layout.

Document Planning and Management section

Here you can see the documents for review with the following labels:

  • Required: the number of expected document records with the Requiredness field set to Required
  • Pending Decision: the number of expected documents with the Requiredness field set to Pending Decision
  • Missing: the number of expected document records with All Documents Count value greater than the Expected # value
  • Overcount: the number of expected document records with the All Documents Count value less than the Expected # value

The Milestone Workspace includes two pages: Documents and Tasks.

The Documents page displays two tables for the Milestone’s Expected Documents (on the left) and the Matched Documents (on the right).

To view the Matched Documents associated with a particular Expected Document record, simply select the desired Expected Document record. Vault then displays the associated Matched Document(s) in the Matched Documents table. You can use these tables to search, filter, review, and update records. You can also send documents and expected documents on workflows directly from the workspace.

The Tasks page displays Clinical User Tasks associated with the Milestone. Much like the Documents page, you can search, filter, review, and update records.

Send Documents and Expected Documents on a Workflow

You can send Matched and Expected Documents on a workflow from the Milestone workspace.

  1. Select the document(s) and/or Expected Documents you wish to send on a workflow.
  2. Select the workflow start action.
  3. Vault opens the Start Workflow window.
  4. Select the desired Workflow from the picklist.
  5. Click Continue.