In addition to Vault’s standard email processor, you can use email processors specific to Clinical Operations in Clinical Vaults.

Study Communications

Similar to the standard processor, the Study Communication Email processor extracts the content of an email sent to Vault and creates an unclassified document in the sender’s Document Inbox, ready for classification (manual or automatic if TMF Bot is deployed). It also performs the following tasks:

  1. The processor creates a Study Communication Log record of type Ingested Email (ingested_email__v) and associates it with the new document.
  2. It then ensures that any changes to Study, Study Country, and Study Site on the document stay in sync with the Study Communication Log.
  3. Finally, the processor attempts to parse a Study value from the email sub-address and match it to the Email Subaddress field on Study records. Sending a document to results in the processor parsing AVEG027 as the Email Subaddress. If there is a Study record with a matching value in the Email Subaddress field, Vault sets that Study value in the Study field on the new document.

Clinical Document Attachments

The Clinical Document Attachments processor creates unclassified documents from attachments to an email. Separate emails must be sent to both the Clinical Documents Attachments and Study Communications Email processors, resulting in both behaviors being applied to the email. When the Clinical Documents Attachments processor runs, Vault creates one document for each file that is attached to the email. It also performs the following tasks:

  1. The processor ensures that the email is from an active user.
  2. It tags the new document as Created from Email Ingestion.
  3. In addition, the processor attempts to parse a Study value from the email sub-address. Sending a document to results in the processor parsing 0ST00000000G001 as the StudyID. If successful, it sets the appropriate Study on the new document.