In Vault, Admins can create locations with their own details and link these locations to sites within a study.
Note: Some Vaults use the Organization object, rather than the Location object.
Accessing Location Records
You can view and work with location records from Admin > Business Admin. Some Vaults also include custom object tabs that allow access to locations outside the Admin area. In this case, both non-Admins and Admins can view the records through the custom tab. Admins with the correct permissions can also create, edit, and delete records from a custom tab.
Permission sets control security for viewing, creating, editing and deleting object data records. Permissions for creating, editing, and deleting are set at the object-level. For example, you may only be able to edit existing records for the Product object, but create, edit, and delete records for the Study Site object. To manage objects themselves, you need the Admin: Objects permissions.
Locations Page
To view the Locations page, go to a custom tab or Admin > Business Admin > Locations and click into a specific location. From here, you can view, add, edit, and delete location information.
How to Create or Edit Locations
To add or edit a location:
- From the Locations object records page, click Create or click into an existing location and then Edit.
- Fill in details about the location. Note that options in picklists are configurable from Admin > Business Admin > Picklists. Options for the Country picklist are editable in the Countries object records page.
- Optional: Change the Status. This option controls whether Admins can select the location for new study sites. If you disable a location, Vault does not change any study site currently associated to it.
- Click Save.